Teaching Experience
Lecturer at Stevens Institute of Technology
- MA 540 Introduction to Probability Theory: probability theory for MSc in Data Science (Spring ‘20)
- MA 611 Probability: measure-theoretic probability theory for MSc and PhD in Mathematics (Fall ‘18, Fall ‘19)
- MA 701 Statistical Inference: fundamental statistics for PhD in Business Administration and other MSc/PhD programs (Fall ‘19)
- MA 331 Intermediate Statistics: basics of statistical inference for 2nd year BSc in many science and engineering curricula (Spring ‘19)
Lecturer at Dalhousie University
- 1060 Introductory Statistics for Science and Health Science: basics of explorartory data analysis and statistical inference for 1st year BSc in health sciences (Summer ‘16, Winter ‘17)
Teaching Assistant at the University of Geneva
- Statistics for Social Sciences: 1st year BA in social sciences (Spring ‘14)
- Generalized Linear and Additive Models: MSc in Statistics (Spring ‘12, Spring ‘13)
- Statistics II: 2nd year BSc in Economics and prerequisite for MSc in Statistics (Spring ‘12, Spring ‘13, Spring ‘14)
- Statistical Inference: 2nd year BSc in Economics and prerequisite for MSc in Statistics (Fall ‘11)
- Time Series: MSc in Statistics and in Economics (Fall ‘10, Fall ‘11)
- Sampling Techniques: MSc in Statistics and in Economics (Fall ‘09, Fall ‘10, Spring ‘12, Spring ‘13, Spring ‘14)
- Experimental Design: MSc in Statistics and in Economics (Fall ‘09, Fall ‘10, Spring ‘12, Spring ‘13, Spring ‘14)
- Statistics and Probability I: 1st year BSc in Economics and in Business Administration (Fall ‘09, Fall ‘10)